Friday, January 30, 2015

Introduction to My Messy Bliss

With trying to raise a young family, keep up my home and household, and work a full-time job, life can get a more than a little overwhelming. I try (like most of us) to keep it running smoothly, to look like I have even the slightest clue about what I am doing, but really I am just trying to keep my head above water.

I have so many great plans for my life and my family. I am trying to be as organized as possible and have a smooth-running household. Some of the things that I hope to accomplish are creating a workable budget, finding creative ways to save money and a meal plan strategy that fits my family, as well as trying to be healthier and happier! What I want to do with this blog is to keep track of my process and progress. Detailing what I am doing, noting successes and working through failures.

I am mainly starting this blog as a journal to keep me on point and motivated with achieving my goals (and perhaps inspire and receive feedback along the way!).

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